(+91) 9489261555 / 9489263555    tripletechsoftprojects@gmail.com


This Android Apps specialization enables learners to successfully apply core Java programming languages features & software patterns needed to develop maintainable mobile apps comprised of core Android components, as well as fundamental Java I/O & persistence mechanisms.

The Accountslite project will integrate the material from throughout the Specialization to exercise and assess the ability of learners to create an interesting Android app by applying knowledge and skills learned in previous MOOCs, including Java programming features, Android Studio tools, Android Activity components, Material Design, file I/O and data persistence, unit testing, and software patterns. The project itself will be similar in design goals to previous assignments, however it will provide less of the skeleton code than earlier MOOCs provide to enable more creativity to learners and greater opportunity for learners to customize the app.

What Will I Learn?

  • Have a good overview of the Java programming language
  • Install Android Studio and setup the environment
  • Debug an Android Application
  • Create a signed APK file to submit to the Google Play Store
  • Use Explicit and Implicit Intents
  • Make use of Fragments
  • Create a Custom List View
  • Create the Android Actionbar
  • Create a custom Toast
  • Use Shared Preferences, Files and SQLite
  • Use the AsyncTask class
  • Handle Android 6 Permissions
  • Save data in an online database (MBAAS - Backendless) and do User management
